Thursday, March 27, 2014

Writing Project 4

Resume or Help Wanted Ad

Writing Project 4 due, Tuesday, April 8

This is a simple and somewhat straightforward writing project that all bands, and college students, have to do at some point in their lives. For Writing Project 3, you will be composing and designing an individual resume, if you are a band member, or a job description if you are a band manager.

After our "Mix-up," on Tuesday, we will have new bands including a "post-grunge" or sellout band. One or two of you may wind up in "rehab," though for what we do not know. This mix-up is a chance to shuffle the grungy deck, and will represent the final bands for our push toward the end of the semester, which includes the final research paper and music video.

Therefore, if you are a band member after Tuesday, you should compose and design a stellar resume. The following site gives a good indication of the elements of a resume:

In composing and designing this resume be sure to think about use of white space on the document, alignment, and audience. Familiarizing yourself with the CRAP design principles will be essential to successfully completing this unit's writing project. What are the CRAP principles you ask? They are essential elements of designing things like documents, web pages, and presentations. Here's a link to a downloadable pdf that helps explain CRAP:

Same goes for band managers who are writing job descriptions. This link provides useful tips for composing a job description:

Resumes and job descriptions should be one-page, well-designed, and evocative compositions!
As a note: these resumes and job descriptions should be hybrids documents of actual personal history, and fictional, class role-play elements. So, if you are making a resume for yourself, and you'd like to join Pearl Jam, include some of the experiences you had in high school--perhaps you worked in a local record store; include that factual information. Also, include experiences unique to our class role-play that are fictionalized. If you're leaving Soundgarden, perhaps include that you were a member of the super-group Temple of the Dog, etc.

Combine fact and fiction in these documents to produce a resume or job description that fits the course. However, the point of this writing project is to give you a document that you can use down the road. So, while the information on your resume can be changed, you have the shell or template of a document that you can use for future career fairs and job seeking endeavors.

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