Monday, January 20, 2014


Introduction to the Course
Tuesday, January 14
            Getting to know us, Ken Robinson, “Changing the Paradigm”
Thursday, January 16
            Class outline, syllabus, opening arguments George Carlin    

Link to the Wiki Book Rhetoric and Composition:

Unit 1—Argument and Collaboration
Tuesday, January 21
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 3-52
            Schedule, “Argument: An Introduction”
            View documentary Metal Evolution: Grunge
Thursday, January 23
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 53-91
            Collaboration/Campus Scavenger Hunt

Quest 1—received by your group after finding last clue

Unit 2—Rhetoric and WaD
Tuesday, January 28
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 93-148
            The Three Rhetoreers: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
            Grunge Music Videos
Thursday, January 30
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 149-190
            Writing across the Disciplines in-class writing assignment
Quest 2, Thursday, January 20

Unit 3—Research Methodology
Tuesday, February 4
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 191-250
            JRVP Library Visit, Room 242

Quest 3—received after completion of library instruction

Thursday, February 6—No Class Winter Carnival Break

Unit 4—Citations, Citations, Citations
Tuesday, February 11
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 251-286
            In-class writing project
Thursday, February 13
Reading: Rhetoric and Composition, pgs. 287-302
            Plagiarism, paraphrasing, and quotations
Quest 4—done in class during last 25 minutes

Unit 5—Antecedents I & II
Tuesday, February 18
Reading: Our Band Could..., Chaps 1&2
            Watch Punk Documentary
Thursday, February 20
Reading: Our Band Could…, Chaps 3&4
            Watch Metal Documentary

Tuesday, February 25
Reading: Our Band Could…, Chaps 5&6
            Mini-lecture: The Minneapolis Scene
            Short doc: Left of the Dial
            Short videos: Husker Du, Replacements
Thursday, February 27
Reading: Our Band Could…, Chaps 7, 8, & 10
            Rhetoric Redux: Music Videos
Create Grunge Bands

Writing Project 1 Due, Tuesday, March 4—Individual Writing Project
Rhetorical analysis and history of “Antecedent” Band’s Video

Unit 6—Sources: Oral History
Tuesday, March 4
Readings: Our Band Could…, Chap 12
                Grunge is Dead, Chaps 1-5
            Watch Hype
Thursday, March 6
Readings: Grunge is Dead, Chaps 6-11
            Finish Hype

Writing Project 2 due, Tuesday, March 18—Individual Writing Project
Oral History Interview Write-up

Tuesday, March 11—No Class Spring Break

Thursday, March 13—No Class Spring Break

Unit 7—Sign Your Band: Labor Law and Contracts
Tuesday, March 18
Reading: Labor Law for the Rank-and-filer, first half of book
            Mini-lecture: Seattle Labor History
            Documentary: 1919 Seattle General Strike

Writing Project 3 Due, Thursday, March 20
Sign band to a contract written with reference to Labor Law for the Rank-and-filer
            Managers write one version of a contract
            Band/”workers” write another version, collaboratively

Thursday, March 20
Reading: Labor Law for the Rank-and-filer, second half of book
            In-class work: negotiate/edit contract in class

Unit 8—When Bad Things Happen to Good Bands
Tuesday, March 25
Reading: Grunge Seattle, Chaps 1-2
            Watch Andrew Wood Story
Thursday, March 27
Reading: Grunge Seattle, Chaps 3-4
            Finish Andrew Wood Story
            Begin The Gits

Writing Project 4 due, Tuesday, April 1—Individual Project
Job descriptions or resume

Unit 9—The Remix
Tuesday, April 1
            Finish The Gits
Mock Career Fair
Thursday, April 3
            Meet your new band
            Marshmallow Challenge

Writing Project 5 due, Tuesday, April 8—Group Project
Visual Rhetoric Composition with New Bandmates

Unit 10—Examining a Legend
Tuesday, April 8
Reading: Grunge Seattle, Chaps 5-6
            Begin Kurt and Courtney
Thursday, April 10
            Finish Kurt and Courtney
            In-class debate for participation credit          

Media Project and Presentations Due, April 15

Unit 11—Media Projects
Show and present music videos: April 15-17
Premier and present your band's music video in class—during presentation of your band's music video all members should be dressed in appropriate period clothing scavenged from the racks of a local thrift store (the group field trip portion of the course). Additionally, as part of this video premier, your band should find a cd, tape, or vinyl from this period, procure it, and then redesign the cover.

Unit 12—Portfolios
Tuesday, April 22
            Work on portfolios in class
Thursday, April 24
            Work on portfolios in class

Finals Week: April 28-May 2
Hand in final research papers, portfolios, and any missing materials

For this final paper, as a band write a well-sourced and cited social and cultural history of your band, including the biographical, environmental, industrial, and labor contexts. Make sure to paraphrase, cite, and source from each of the books on the Grunge Movement read in class. Additional information on “specs” for this final research paper will be given later.